Communicating & Empathise

Learner Qualities: Empathise and Communicate

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Share at least 3 example of how you have shown empathy recently. Add a photo if you can.
1.Helping people if they're stuck
2.Helping my friends if they're hurt
3.I signed the card for Jessica because I knew it would not be pleasant being sick

Share at least 3 examples of how you have communicated in different ways this term. Add photos if you can.
1.Saying Hi to people in a different way like waving my hand
2.Saying Hi in a different Language

3.Just saying hi in a normal way.

Oaklands School Learner Qualites.

Oakland School Learner Qualities
Be Self Aware (Excellence Value): SML tasks

Be self aware
I know my learning goals.
I know how I learn best.
Think about and reflect on:
  • How have I been managing my time with completing my SML Tasks?
  • How well have I been completing them?
  • Have I been completing my MUST Dos each week?
  • Have I been organised enough to complete bonus tasks?

What is my learning goal?
IALT manage my time well so I complete all my “MUST Do” SML Tasks each week
What has been going well?

What have I been learning to do to get the tasks done?
Managing my time wisely and doing Mathletics at home.

Which tasks have I completed well?  Why?
Writing because I get the follow ups finished.

Which tasks have been challenging?  Why?
Mathletics because i don't always get it done.
What are some other bonus tasks I would like to do?
20 Extra Minutes Of SML time.

My next step is to move up to the Tahi group.

Music-Kaira and Ambers Rap

When you come to school,you think youre so coo.I wanna  be free so let me be.Yes its true,you make us pay forthe things you do.Stop making me pay you always ruin my day.I really try but i dont know why.You feel so glad but we feel sad.What i hear it makes me fear.I give you a hand but i already had something planned.You give me a whack on my back.