P.E. Athletics
In athletics I have been learning to run from a lying start and working towards a crouched normal sprint start.
I know I can do this when I can:
- Get into the starting position ready to race
- Push myself up into a running position
- Aim to run towards the finish line
- Run hard and fast in a straight line to reach the finish line
- Run from a crouched sprint starting position.
Reading Term 4
In Reading I am learning to:
Read beyond the text and draw inference.
I know when I can do this because I can:
- Talk about the authors message
- Ask questions about the text
- Answer questions about the text
- Tell others what the text is about
I can already ask and answer questions about the text, and tell others what the text is about. I am learning to talk about the authors message.
Integrated Topic Term 3 - Drama
This term we have been learning to participate and contribute in drama to create a play about Tangaroas gift. Click on the link below to see our performance.
Assessment Rubric
Participating & Contributing
I need help to
participate and contribute
I can participate and
contribute if I am prompted or directed.
I can participate and
contribute .
I cannot explain why
it is important to do so.
I can participate and
contribute .
I can explain why it
is important to do so.
I can participate and
contribute .
I can explain why it
is important to do so.
I act as a role model
for others to help them participate and contribute
I seek feedback on how to improve how I
can participate and contribute.
Procedural Writing
I am learning to write a procedure.
I know I can do this when I include:
I know I can do this when I include:
- A title
- A list of equipment
- Numbered instructions in the right order.
I did all of theses things.

NUMERACY - Numicon
WALT make ten using Numicon equipment
My next step:
Success Criteria:
* make a range of patterns to 10 using 2, 3 or 4 pieces of Numicon equipment.
I can write equations for my numicon patterns.
My next step:
To use my knowledge of tens to instantly add and subtract numbers to 10.
Discovery 2014
At Discovery time I have been learning to relate to others.
Success criteria:
Share with others.
Take turns.
Use my manners.
Listen when others are speaking.
Let others join in.
Play fair.

I took turns with Meg and Ella on the IPad and IPods.
Success criteria:
Share with others.
Take turns.
Use my manners.
Listen when others are speaking.
Let others join in.
Play fair.

I took turns with Meg and Ella on the IPad and IPods.
Reading 2014
In Reading I am learning to:
Ask questions about what we are reading to find out more information.
Success criteria:
Recall what the text is about;
Locate the main points in the text;
Use question starters such as who, what, why and when to form questions that will provide useful information.
My next step:
Read to find the deeper meaning in a text (inference).
Persuasive Arguments
W.A.L.T write a persuasive argument
We will know we can do this when we...
* say what the issue is.
* give an opinion about the problem.
* give reasons for our opinion.
* use conjunctions to show cause and effect.
Kaira says...
I like that I included my opinion in my argument.
My next learning step is to use a range of conjunctions to join my ideas together.
I like that I included my opinion in my argument.
My next learning step is to use a range of conjunctions to join my ideas together.
* use the correct breathing techniques.
* use the correct fingering to play different notes.In recorder I like learning new songs.
My next learning step is to use the correct breathing techniques.
C.A.R.E - Learning Co-operatively
W.A.L.T learn to work co-operatively.
We will know we can do this when we can:
* take turns at the activity
* let other people have a go first
* share our ideas
* focus on completing the task
Student comment:
I can take turns when I am working with others. I am learning to share my ideas with other group members.
* work together to complete the task
* listen to each others ideas.
Student comment:
I can take turns when I am working with others. I am learning to share my ideas with other group members.
Adventure Writing
WALT write an adventure narrative
We will know we can do this when we can:* Include a beginning, middle and end.
* Describe the characters and settings.
* Use past tense.
* Use nouns, adjectives, and action verbs.
* Use capital letters, full stops and speech marks correctly.

Student Comment:
I liked it when I saw the cottage and it was broken, and mum, dad, Jacob and bailey came with me.
Next Step:
Fun with Probability

We are learning about probability.
We will know we can do this when we can:
* compare and order events;
* find all of the possibilities of some events using equipment;
* know that the more times you perform an event the closer you get to the predicted probability.
Next Step:
To apply our knowledge of probability to everyday situations.
Penguin Artwork
WALT: use different painting techniques to paint a picture of a Penguin.
To use several techniques independently and explain why they are appropriate to my artwork.
WALT: use different painting techniques to paint a picture of a Penguin.
We will know we can do this when:
· we can mix colours;
· use different colours to emphasise specific features/details;
· use different brush stroke techniques to create different effects;
· we can paint a background.
To use several techniques independently and explain why they are appropriate to my artwork.

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